UET Italia srl


UET University School Of Tourism.

Milan –Rome- Palermo-Shanghai- Chandigarah

UET European Institute of Tourism, Italian seat of Unité d'Enseignement du Tourisme, founded by European tour operator in France in 1990,present in Italy from 1993 in Milan, Rome and Palermo, is an University School of high specialization in Tourism, with UNI-ISO 9001:2000 Certification.

From 2004 a UET branch is being opened in Shanghai and in 2016 in Chandigarah-India.

UET is authorized by the Italian  Ministry of Education and is the only authorized centre in Italy for SLEST exams, being SLEST the European Linguistic Certificate for Tourism Professionals, in  English, French, Spanish, German and Italian for foreigners, which represents the only language learning education system in Tourism recognized by the European Community.

UET offers post- graduated, graduated, Masters and MBA programs in Hospitality and Tourism management, organizing and realizing courses to improve and make easier the employment at tourist companies of all over the world, with full recognition of credits by European universities.

Furthermore UET is involved in permanent and continuous education of professionals for updating competences, to support professional growth and re-qualification of the human resources already employed in tourism industry.

We have developed an active learning approach based on group work, case studies and experimentation, at school and on the job.

We will also experience a truly international educational and cultural diverse study  environment, with several nationalities. The system of education applied by UET presents theoretical approach and practical activity, with training on the job, thus offering immediately operative and qualified personnel to the international tourism industry.

History of courses from UET Italia srl: